R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

September 20, 1870

    A new string and brass band has been organized in the city.  Professor Glifford heads the enterprise.

     The elegant private residence of Mr. James H. McGee is rapidly approaching completion.

    Six thousand people attended the Leavenworth fair Saturday -- about one-third of the entire population.

     No steamboat arrivals yesterday.  The Walter B. Dance is on the way from St. Louis.
     Many of our citizens already have commenced preparing for winter by filling woodhouses and storing away vegetables.

      The Presbyterian Mite Society will meet at the residence of Dr. T. B. Lester this evening.

     Mayor McGee was severely injured yesterday evening by being thrown from his buggy.  In turning the corner of Main and Fifth the buggy collided with a wagon, the shock, as stated above, throwing the mayor out.  He was picked up insensible and carried into the store of Breunert & Wocher's, where medical aid was administered.  He was placed in a carriage and conveyed home.

     We understand that the proprietors of the St. Louis Hall will give on next Friday evening one of those pleasant hops, and will continue the same throughout the winter.

     Professor Galloway's hop last night was a very pleasant affair.  It was very well attended.  In fact, he understands the manner in which such affairs should be conducted, and never  fails to do all in his power to make those present pass a merry and  pleasant evening.

     Mr. O. Sackett is making an effort to bring Horace Greeley to this city.  He speaks at the St. Louis fair next month, and if he comes at all it will be direct from there, after his oration at that point.

     Mr. A. J. Norman left yesterday evening for the East to purchase a large stock of boots and shoes.

     Col. W. H. Peeples of the Tucker Manufacturing Company, New York, was in the city yesterday.