R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

October 21, 1870.

     Laurel Street is nearly all "sidewalked."

     Catholic Festival at Frank's Hall next Monday night.

     Captain Comingo, a Democratic candidate for Congress, speaks tonight.

     There is a perfect mania on the sidewalk question.  Lumber is in demand.

     Mr. Roe Johnson claims a sweet potato raised on the Shawnee Mission farm weighing ten and three quarter pounds.

     The meeting to take action on the death of Gen. Robert E. Lee takes place at Long's Hall tonight, and a general attendance is desired.

     The Rev. J. W. Lewis and family left the city yesterday evening for St. Louis, his new field of labor.  Mr. Lewis has been in charge of the M. E. Church (south) of this city for the last four years, and has gained hosts of friends.  There is a universal feeling of regret that he is called away.

     Gen. J. O. Shelby is in the city, stopping at the Pacific.

     Col. P. Donan, of the Lexington Caucasian, was in our office yesterday.

     Mr. Lynch has just opened one of the most magnificent restaurant halls in the West, at the corner of Fifth and Walnut streets.

     A new reliable and excellent firm has just opened business in this city, in the staple and fancy grocery line.  It is styled West & Hall, comprised of Mr. John H. West of the Custom Mills, and Mr. Theodore F. Hall, late with Bennet, Gregory & Co.  Their place of business is under the Ferguson House, corner of Twelfth and Grand Avenue.