R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

November 13, 1870.

     The ladies were out shopping yesterday, in large numbers.

     Grading and building, and plenty of it this fine weather.  This is excellent weather for those who are required to put down sidewalks to comply with the law's instructions.

     The city police will don their winter uniforms, which are now being "erected by a clothing firm here.

     Eggs are scarce in the market, and 35 cents a dozen is the price.  The hens in this vicinity are all on "a strike."

     The man with the bagpipe was on Third street near Main, last night.  His "music" threw an air of general gloom and depression about that locality.

      Last evening was devoted to the presentation of Shakespeare's most sublime tragedy, Macbeth, at the Opera House.  Mr. Pope assumed the character of Macbeth, and Miss Gray that of his bold and unscrupulous Lady.  To thoroughly criticize the performance, would involve an analytical disquisition upon the construction of the piece, which is most peculiar, and not to be compared to that of any other in the whole range of the drama.  We would gladly enter into such an analysis, but the lateness of the hour at which the curtain dropped upon the last act, has precluded the possibility of writing an extended notice.  We defer this to some future time; and we believe the opportunity will present itself -- as the excellence of the performance of last night warrants us in hoping for a repetition at no distant day.

     On Friday night as Mr. Charles Caswell of Caswell & Brown, was coming down Main street to the Post-office, and while passing a notion store, opposite Smart's new block, a lady rushed out and exclaimed, "The store is on fire!"  Caswell lost no time in entering the building, and found that, from the overturning of a coal oil lamp, a number of articles in the rear of the room were burning.  He dragged them down upon the floor, seized a broom and attempted to get the burning material together, so that the fire would not spread.  At the same time he told the lady to run for a blanket with which to smother the flames.  She hurried from the room, and soon after entered the rear door with a pail of water, which in her fright and confusion she at once threw all over Caswell, giving him a nice drenching.  However, he continued his efforts to suppress the fire, and soon prevailed the victor.

      An appropriation of money to pay the city police for October will be made to-morrow by the City Council.  The force at present consists of two deputy Marshals and 19 policemen.  Their pay is $75 a month.