R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

November 15, 1870.

     Squire Ranson yesterday tied the nuptual knot in his usual happy style. Mr. Geo. A. Pettigrew and Miss Mary A. Barnett were the two who were made one.

     Grading is going on in a lively manner in nearly every quarter of the city.  It is well.  Well it is.

     A real live antelope, fresh from the plains, was attracting the attention of the folks at the Union depot, yesterday afternoon.

     Yesterday A. L. Dyke, a train boy on the Kansas Pacific railroad, started for England, in obedience to a summons by telegraph.  The dispatch stated that a very wealthy uncle of the boy had died, leaving him his entire property, valued at $1,250,000.  Young Dyke's former home was in Cheltenham, England, and he left there eight years ago.  A man named Wm. Rouse came over the ocean with him, but returned some time since, and from him the telegram came announcing to Dyke the immense wealth to which he is heir.  The news was altogether unexpected to the youthful vendor of apples, peanuts, papers, etc., and his excitement on receiving the intelligence can be imagined.

     The party who abstracted some books from the library in our sanctum, will do well to return them without much delay.  We have spoken!

     The petition of R. Knapp for the privilege to erect a frame building at the corner of Eleventh and Main streets was taken up and the prayer was granted.

     MacEvoy's Hibernicon at Frank's Hall last night was a fine success.  It is one of the most pleasing entertainments ever offered to our people.  Every body present seemed delighted.  The applause that greeted the singing, dancing and comicalities of the versatile performers was frequent and hearty.  The paintings of the scenery of Ireland, under gas light, are of peculiar beauty.  The songs and caricatures of the Irish character, form an attractive feature of this superior entertainment.

     And now we have, in the city, a sign which reads, "Sing Lee, Washing and Ironing."  It designates the place where the celestials, whom we spoke of several days ago, are holding out, washing out, and ironing out.

     Sunday morning, about three o'clock, a small building  just outside the city limits, on the Westport turnpike, accidentally caught fire and burned to the ground.  It had been used as a place for making soap.  The loss, as we are informed, was slight.

     Some mischievous boys on Walnut street, yesterday afternoon tied an empty oyster can to a "yaller purp's" tail and the last we saw of the frightened canine,  yelping every jump, he was disappearing through the cut above the St. James Hotel, with a rapidity that was a caution to all of his race, and much faster than most races are ever ran.

     On Saturday last the population of Kansas City was only 32,286.  It has since increased to 32,287, having been augmented by a new member of that already large and influential family -- the Halpines.  In other words, the excellent wife of our young friend Dennis Halpine presented him, on Sunday last, with a bouncing boy -- very large for his age, weighing on one of Fairbank's Family Scales no less than fourteen pounds avoir-dupois in his stocking soles.  Thus Dennis is now Father Halpine, our old friend Slater is a grandfather, and Uncle John is more than ever an uncle.  If it be true that, as man's relations extend, he rises in the scale of being, we congratulate the Halpine family generally upon their accession to their domestic ranks.

     Now is the time to secure bargains.  we would advise our friends and the rest of mankind to visit the dry goods establishment of J. & P. Shannon, corner of Third and Main streets.  The tide of trade there on yesterday shows that the people know where to find bargains.

     Matthew Hale Smith is acknowledged one of the greatest orators of the day.  Go to Long's Hall and hear him to-night.