R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

November 20, 1870.

     Thanksgiving comes this week.  "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord."

     Mr. J. A. Millan has disposed of his interest in the Independence Sentinel to his partner, Mr. Southern.  We understand Mr. Millan will return to his former place of residence, St. Joseph.  We wish him good fortune.

     Friday evening a carpenter named Wm. Lawless, in the employ of Mr. Richard Reeves, and who was at work on a house on Sixth street, near Walnut, resisted an attack made upon him by a  plasterer named Bower.  Lawless acted, however, in a rather lawless manner.  He picked up a hatchet and struck the plasterer on the head, causing an ugly wound.  The man bled considerably.  The affair has been "hushed up."

     Schiller's superb tragedy of "The Robbers" was produced last night at the Opera House, and we doubt if the English version of the play ever gave greater satisfaction to any audience than its presentation last night.  All the players did their parts well, and the scenery was adapted to the play in a manner that could not but please the most unmitigated fault finders.

     Yesterday Justice Cravens united in matrimonial bonds Mr. Alexander Skillen and Miss Susan Frazer.

     Received by Campbell & Bailey, 10,000 pounds rolled and packed Wisconsin butter.

     By authority of the M. W. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri, A. F. & A. M., there will be a special session of the M. W. Grand Lodge helda at Masonic Hall, on Thursday, the 24th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of laying the corner stone of the M. E. Church (South) on Walnut street.  The Lodges in Kansas City and all neighboring Lodges, and all Master Masons in good standing, are cordially invited to participate in the ceremonies, and will meet in the Masonic Hall, corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, at 2 o'clock, p. m., sharp.

     To the tax payers of Kansas City, take notice that your city taxes for 1870, are now due and payable.  After the 15th day of December, twenty-four per cent additional will have to be paid.  -- P. M. CHOUTEAU, Collector.