R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

December 10, 1870,

     The city is still swimming in juvenile thieves.

     The calaboose gang was at work on the wood pile at the side of the court house yesterday.

     The blind fiddler and his partner of ossiferous instruments and gong-like voice, held another "swarry" on the square last night.

     Mr. Parks, proprietor of the St. James Hotel, fell down yesterday, on an unstable crossing and dislocated his shoulder.  The dislocation was reduced by Dr. Woods.

     An animated discussion between a man and a woman, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, last night, was the cause of collecting a crowd.  The parties finding themselves becoming the center of attention, adjourned to a store near by to settle their difficulty.  The man is said to have called the woman a liar.  He wasn't knocked down, and he probably knew he would not be, under the circumstances.

     "I, Samuel Day, do solemnly swear that I will abstain from all intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and I take this oath with the full intent to abide by it, this 9th day of December, 1870.  SAMUEL DAY."  Sworn to and subscribed before J. C. Ranson, Justice of the Peace."

     Yesterday evening the spacious Good Templar's Hall, corner of Eighth and Main street, was filled with Spiritualists and Freethinkers of this city, on the occasion of their sociable.  Dancing and music were the order of the evening, and all present participated in the "light fantastic" with zest.  Prof. Entorf's band furnished the music.  Refreshments were provided during the evening.  These sociables will be continued at least once every two weeks, and sometimes weekly during the winter.

     By the politeness of Conductor Chas. Carr, we were yesterday shown over the Pullman Palace Car "Russia," now running to St. Louis on the North Missouri Railroad.  Entering a vestibule handsomely lighted by a gas burner at night, we find ourselves lost in admiration of the gorgeousness of the finish of the outfit, carvings, lamps, cushions, curtains, and brackets; in a word, every appointment in this palace on wheels.  Near the rear end, we find a snug apartment accommodating four persons, which can be closed and curtained, and made into a charming little drawing room by day, and bed room by night, the very snuggest, coziest place imaginable for a party of choice spirits to have a good time, or for a couple of ladies or a family travelling alone.  The dressing and retiring room for ladies only occupies a corner of the car near this drawing room.  The beds in this car are the best we have ever examined in a sleeping car, having a regular spring mattress to every upper berth, making these which were formerly quite objectionable, now decidedly desirable.  For a nice nap en route we recommend the "Russia."

     We are pleased to notice that our old friend, W. J. Huckett, has returned to the city after many months' absence.  People who have lived in this city any length of time are rarely satisfied to live in any other town.  Huckett has always been a success as a caterer for epicures, and now that he has found his way back to his old stand, the Pacific Restaurant and Oyster Depot, on Third street, he would be glad to have a call from his numerous friends and all who can appreciate a square meal.

     Young men, Attention!  If you want your clothes cared for as at home, patronize the Home Laundry.  Office at Cannon House.