R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

December 14, 1870.

     Mr. Laurence Barrett makes his last appearance at the Opera House to-night.

     The sidewalks on Delaware street are in a very bad condition, and should be immediately attended to.

     A party of the "rising bloods" of the city amused themselves firing off their pistols on Twelfth street last night.  It might be well to look after them.

     The dirt deposited on Twelfth street, near Gay, some time since, by a man who was having a cellar dug, was removed yesterday by a city contractor and deposited in the deep gully, worn by the water, at the side of the street near by.  This dirt has been a great trouble to persons who were compelled to pass that way, and we are glad to see it removed, but we think the man who put it there should pay for it.

      George street, near Independence avenue, was the scene of another attempted highway robbery on Tuesday evening last, in which the assailants go the worst of the bargain.  Judge Ranson was detained at his office on the evening in question until about 8 o'clock.  His route home lies along Independence avenue to George street, on which he lives. While passing the notorious "Happy Hollow," he became aware that he was followed by two men.  When the Judge came to where George street intersects the avenue, they turned up that street and followed him.  A short distance up, he found they were rapidly approaching him, and he determined to rid himself of his suspense in reference to their object, and also protect himself from any attack by a "slingshot" or "billy."  He turned suddenly and, drawing his revolver, demanded to know who they were and why they followed him.  One of them immediately replied that they wanted him to halt.  This answer, connected with the fact that they had followed him so persistently until they could get him away from any habitation, satisfied him that robbery and probably murder was intended.  He immediately fired at the nearest one striking him, as he thinks, and wounding him.  At this stage of the proceedings both turned and fled, and the Judge as a kind of parting farewell fired another shot after them.  The judge wishes to state for the benefit of other parties who may wish to follow him for the purpose of robbery after this, that he carries a good revolver and knows how to use it.

     Mr. W. L. Visscher started for Nebraska on Monday night, to lecture last evening at Plattsmouth, and this evening at Lincoln, the capital of that State.  He returns to-morrow.  Meanwhile Major A. C. Jones has kindly filled his place in the local department of the JOURNAL.

     A large number of new crosswalks have been laid at many of the various street crossings within the past few days.

     The Cigar Makers' Union held its ball at Frank's Hall Monday night.  The attendance was large and the evening passed off quite pleasantly.

     Our Irish citizens turned out in force last night to hear the learned Dr. O'Brennan deliver his famous lecture on "Ireland as it Is."  The Doctor displayed an aptitude in the method of handling his subject, that took his audience by storm.  The unfavorable aspect of the weather kept many from attending who would otherwise have been present.

     We had the pleasure of an introduction to Mr. Daniel L. Hall, yesterday.  Mr. H. has come to our city for the purpose of establishing a branch office here for the Western Rural, a farmer's journal of extensive circulation, published in Chicago.  The circulation of the paper has increased to such an extent that the publishers have found it necessary to establish two branch offices, one at Columbus, Ohio, and the other at this point.  The edition published here will contain all matter of general interest that appears in either of the other editions, the only difference being that matters of local interest will vary with locality.  Mr. Hall has established the branch office in Vaughan's Diamond.