R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

December 20, 1870.

     The wind of yesterday was a very searching breeze.  The river is full of floating ice.

     Accidental slip-ups were plenteous  yesterday.

     Nuts and mulled cider are joys townfolks know not of.

     Kansas City, with all its advantages at the present time, possesses a splendid "coast" also.

     Quite a neat piece of villany was perpetrated yesterday afternoon upon a gentleman named Owens, who resides near the old Independence road, about five miles out.  Astride of a fine sorrel mare he cantered down Main street, and was hailed by a passing man with an inquiry respecting the sale of the brute.  Mr. Owens would sell, and made the engagement to meet the stranger at the Delmonico half an hour thereafter.  They met.  Stranger remarked that he wished to purchase the mare for an Olathe doctor who had a perfect match for her, and asked permission to try her.  He got it, and traveled her down the street, out Independence avenue and, for aught anybody knows, is still going.  It is thought he is the rogue who purloined a pair of blankets a week ago, and languished therefor in our prison cell.  A reward for his apprehension is out, and no doubt, he will be brought back.

     P. J. Miserez has been appointed local  mail agent in the place of R. V. Armstrong.

     The regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. takes place t o-night at 7:30 at their rooms on Sixth street.  Matters of vital importance will be brought up, and all are requested to be prompt in attendance.  Those desiring to join are cordially invited.

     One  hundred and fifty excursionists traveled to Thayer Sunday morning at half past eight o'clock, under the efficient management of Capt. J. S. Ransom.  This party was increased at the junction in Lawrence.  When the train arrived at Ottawa the excursionists paid their respects at the Ludington House, where two long tables groaning beneath the weight of the good things of this life were awaiting them.  At the next station, those who were inclined had a good chance of snow balling, which a few took advantage of in good earnest, until warned by the engine bell that if they wanted to see Thayer they had better "get aboard."   Arriving in Thayer at 4 p. m., ample time was given for supper and other refreshments.  Thayer is a small town of recent growth, comprising about fifty frame houses, a good many however in the course of erection.  The party returned to Kansas City about 1 o'clock Monday morning, expressing themselves generally as having been very much pleased with the journey.

     The Good Templars in West Kansas City are making arrangements for a place of meeting.

     Union services are changed to the Congregational Church.  Preaching to-night by Rev. Mr. Madeira.  Prayerr meeting in the Congregational Church at 3:30 p. m.

     The ladies of the Widows' and Orphans' Home Society desire to say to the friends of the Institution that they find it will be impossible for them to make a personal appeal to all for contributions to the Fair to be held on the 23d inst., for the benefit of the Home, so they take this method of doing so, and of expressing the hope that all will feel personally called on to contribute satiables or fancy articles, which will be accepted with the warmest feelings of gratitude.  All donations to be sent on the morning of the 23rd to the Orphans'' Home Pavilion on Main street.