R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

January 1, 1870.

     We are without our usual telegraph dispatches this morning, owing to the fact that the wires are down.

     Business was lively yesterday.

     Black fur caps seem to be all the furore.

     The days are now lengthening at the rate of 2:40.

     There is to be a grand double wedding at the First Baptist Church, after service, Sabbath morning.

     The Davenport Brothers, wonderful performers, will exhibit in this city next week, commencing on Wednesday night.

     To-day being New Year's, and printers and editors desiring to enjoy it with the rest of mankind, there will be no paper issued from this office to-morrow.  Publishing will resume for the January 4 edition.  Our Tri-Weekly subscribers will be served with this morning's daily.

     We regret to learn that Mr. Jo. Milner, of the well-known firm of Jerome, Milner & Co., omnibus proprietors, accidentally fell from a bank on Wyandotte street, last night, and fractured his thigh.  We learn no further particulars.

     New Years day will find many of Kansas City's loveliest ladies holding "open house."

     A meeting of the School Board was held yesterday afternoon at the law office of Mr. Sheffield, the president.  The following gentlemen were present:  Messrs. Sheffield, Craig, Bainbridge, Tobener, and Lester, who came in afterward.  The condition of affairs at the Third Ward School House, was brought under discussion to some extent; complaints having been made of a want of discipline in that quarter and various damages and depredations perpetrated by the boys who attended there.  Mr. Phillips gave it as his opinion that it might be best to exchange the teachers of this ward and some other -- that of West Kansas, for instance.  A resolution was offered whereby the Superintendent was instructed to enquire into the truthfulness of these reports, and use such means as he may deem best for ensuring discipline and the protection of the school buildings.

     Last evening Frank's Hall again was crowded with one of the most brilliant assemblages which it has ever been our pleasure to witness.  Wealth, beauty, fashion, all were there, adding charms to the occasion of the Catholic Festival, under direction of Father Halpin, who bestowed a pleasant smile or kindly word to all with whom he came in contact in the huge concourse of people.  It was with greatest difficulty that one could even wedge his way through the immense throng which had congregated, thus merrily to pass away the few fleeting hours that were left of the year 1869.

     Rev. Matthew Sorin will deliver a free lecture in the Grand Avenue M. E. Church this evening, (Saturday), the subject being, "The Bible in Public Schools."  A cordial invitation extended to all.