R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

January 7, 1870.

     The grand opening of Dalton & Jacob's saloon under Vaughan's Diamond building took place yesterday evening.  The room is a spacious one, and the bar is finely arranged in the centre and furnished with all that is necessary to produce every degree of exhilaration.  The resemblance of the apartment to some of those in the National capital is very striking.  Of the proprietors the first has long been known to our citizens as barkeeper at the St. Nicholas, and also as the originator of the Exchange and the Mint saloons. His competency is beyond question. 

     Again Frank's Hall was crowded last evening to witness the wonderful performance of the Davenport Brothers and their associate, Prof. Fay.   During the evening several of our promising citizens were called forward to discover, if possible, any outside agency brought to the assistance of the wonder working party's cabinet tricks.  These all expressed themselves as entirely unable to solve the mysteries of the evening.  The Dark Seance in which Prof. Fay was the chief performer was even more remarkable than the earlier proceedings.  The Davenport Brothers, after leaving Kansas City, go to Leavenworth, and then to Atchison.  They express themselves as wholly unprepared to see such a flourishing city as our own in the West.

     A man was found last evening by Patrick Brennan, a member of our police force, in a helpless condition of intoxication, on the corner of Sixth and Main streets.  Several sharpers were hovering around at the time ready to pounce upon their prey.  The captive was found to possess some two hundred dollars in gold, silver, and greenbacks, all carried about his person.  But for the friendly refuge offered by the calaboose, the old saying might have been verified:  "A fool and his money are soon parted."

     There was a very brilliant bal given at the Broadway last evening, one of the series that have added so much to the enjoyment of our citizens, and yet with all their agreeability there is a sameness about the events of this sort which make it almost impossible to describe them with minute accuracy.  There is literally nothing "new under the sun" in the shape of balls, but nevertheless the happiness brought into being on each occasion of the sort is as new as it is desirable..  This our readers are better fitted to imagine than we to describe.

     The Grand Avenue Methodist church gives a concert to-night, which promises to be a very pleasant affair. Several of our well known amateurs have kindly volunteered for the occasion, and present a brilliant programme.  Aside from the merits of the performers, the fact that the concert is for the benefit of the Sabbath school connected with the church, should draw a crowded ho use.  Let our good friends be encouraged.