R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

February 4, 1870.

     In yesterday's issue of the Journal we gave the particulars of a diabolical murder, which we understood had been committed in Ray county.  We are sorry to state that the facts are too true.  The affair occurred at Hardin, Ray county, and the name of the murdered man is Smith.  Smith has lived near Hardin for some years, and was much respected.  The murderer, Thomas Campbell, has fled and has not yet been apprehended.  It is to be hoped that he will not escape the punishment of his terrible crime.

     The Council met yesterday.  Another suit has been commenced against the city.

     The Opera House is rapidly approaching completion.

     Hack fares are exorbitant.  In some cases, an ordinance upon the subject is much needed.

     A gentleman found a little girl about two and a half years old wandering about the streets last night.  The child has light hair and blue eyes, and says her name is Mary Bennett.  She is now at the house of Mrs. Viponda, on New Delaware street, near Ottawa street, where her parents of friends should call for her.  City papers please copy.

     Yesterday was a day of ease to the genial gentleman who presides over the Recorder's Court and administers justice to offenders against the city ordinances.  Only two cases were on the docket, to "Injuns."  The Recorder fined the two noble red men $9.75 each, as a warning not to get drunk in the future.
     Eighth street, east of Walnut, is undergoing repairs.

     On the 20th of February the German Singing Club give their grand annual Masquerade Ball at Frank's Hall.  This will be the third anniversary of the Society, and every arrangement has been made to celebrate the event, and the music will be the best in the city.  The ball will be very select, and no tickets will be sold at the door.  We advise those who value an evening of real enjoyment, to secure a ticket in time.