The Gas Company are laying pipes on Walnut and Fifth streets.
Galloway gives one of his pleasant hops to-night.
A panorama of Milton's Paradise Lost is soon to be exhibited at Frank's Hall.
Frank's Hall was crowded last night by the elite of this city on the occasion of the lecture by "Nasby" -- D. R. Locke, of the Toledo Blade. The subject of the lecture was, "The struggles of a conservative on the woman question." This he handled in a masterly manner and in a way that kept his audience in a continual roar. His remarks, although comical, were still underlaid by a deep vein of sound common sense, and many a good moral was included in the jokes by the lecturer.
James Drennan, of Wyandotte, was put up at the St. Nicholas Hotel Saturday, and on retiring blew out the gas. When discovered, he was in an asphyxiated condition, and was attended to by Drs. Forrest and Bennet, who were unremitting in their exertions to save the unfortunate man. But their effort proved futile. The man continued to sink, and died about noon on Sunday from the effects of the gas. By some strange oversight no inquest was held, and an evening luminary states that a "city official" declared one was unnecessary. We should like to know the name of the busy-body who thus puts his finger in a pie that "isn't his'n." Captain Adams, the county coroner, has his office directly opposite the hotel where the man died, and he not the official busy-body, was the person to decide whether an inquest was necessary or not. No blame is to be attached to the proprietor of the St. Nicholas or his assistants. The gas fixtures are new and in good order, and the sad affair was doubtless caused by the careless ignorance of the unfortunate deceased.
Our German friends always go in for a good time and a big time, and that had just that last night at the Masquerade of the Kansas City Turnverein. The variety of masques represented were quite varied, and some were very rich. Among them we noticed flower girls, pretty waiter girls, nuns, friars, priests, Indians, Chinamen, "Jonathans" that looked as though they had been imported from Vermont expressly for the occasion, monkeys and bears mingled together in one confused jumble. But the best part of the evening's entertainment was the burlesque upon our fire department, gotten up by Capt. Wm. Meir.