Yesterday was one of the most beautiful days of the season. There is nothing more lovely than a sunset scene in our devoted city during this period of budding hopes and flowers.
We are glad to learn that an arrangement has been effected by our city authorities, whereby the public will be relieved of the unmitigated nuisance of dead animals lying about our thoroughfares. It would redound to the public welfare, if some more effective measures could be devised to abate the nuisance of live animals coursing through our streets, disturbing the equanimity of the fair ones on their pedestrian excursions.
The McGee Hook and Ladder Company paraded last evening in full uniform, with a fine band, which stopped at various points to bestow the luxury of a serenade.
The Young Democracy held a spirited meeting at the Vaughan Diamond building last evening, R. T. Hall acting as chairman, and George Frame, secretary. The hall was crowded and the greatest interest evinced in the resolutions which were adopted, t he most important of which was to stand by the action of the regular nominating conventions. The Young Democracy seem to mean work, and we commend their zealous spirit.
It was our pleasure yesterday to see a very handsome carriage, which has just been manufactured for on e of our most prominent citizen, at the establishment of Messrs. Van Guilder & Robinson. It is technically termed a two seat phaeton, and is gotten up in the most excellent style, the costliest material throughout being used in its construction. It is beautifully lined throughout with heavy brown cloth and carpeted with the finest Brussels. Altogether it is a creditable job to the manufacturers. It is designed as a present by Col. Nelson to his daughter, Mrs. Capt. Weller, and is indeed one worth receiving. The Colonel believes, and rightly, too, that when he can get work done in Kansas City, as well and as cheap as in New York, or Chicago, it is his duty to invest it here, and thus encourage our home manufactories. If there were more citizens of the same stamp as Col. Nelson, we would retain in our midst much of the capital that now goes to enrich other cities. Let this laudable example be followed.