R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Wednesday, June 8, 1870.

     Yesterday forenoon was clear and warm; the the afternoon cloudy, with indications of rain.  Business on the Levee was quiet.

     The Mary McDonald, from Omaha, arrived last evening at six o'clock; thirty persons took passage on her for St. Louis, and after taking on some freight put out for her place of destination.  The Post Boy made the Levee last night about nine o'clock, with good freight and some passengers.  She went to Wyandot to unload railroad iron, and will be down this morning, and leave for St. Louis between 7 and 8 o'clock.  The Captain informed us there was five feet water in the channel between this point and the moth of the river.  The Kate Kinney, "O" line, is due to-day from below.  Hoover & Vaughan are her agents; office near the Gilliss House.  For freight or passage apply to them.

     String beans made their appearance in the market yesterday.  They seemed to be the stringiest kind.  Eggs are worth in market 30 cents a dozen -- an advance of ten cents since last Saturday.

     Marshal Speers had five prisoners out yesterday on the municipal rock pile, engaged in the healthful but somewhat monotonous exercise of hammering stone.  "And the work went bravely on."

     Ice cream saloons and soda fountains are multiplying fast.

     John Singer, a butcher of West Kansas City, took supper last night at the Western Hotel, and after having dispatched a hearty meal, he laid a wager with James Binter, a baker, that he could eat two dozen hard boiled eggs in fifteen minutes.  Singer bolted down the eggs in the given time, and then coolly said he was open to all similar engagements.

     The express wagon of the Kansas City Coffee and Spice Mills, while crossing one of the railroad tracks in the Bottom, suffered a mishap yesterday.  One of the wheels gave way, and the vehicle was badly damaged.

     The corner-stone of the colored Methodist church in Lawrence, will be laid with appropriate ceremonies to-day, at 12 o'clock.  Delegations will be present from Topeka, Leavenworth, Wyandotte and Kansas City.