R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Friday, July 8, 1870.

     The river continued to rise yesterday.  The Mary McDonald, from Omaha for St. Louis, passed down, laden with corn.  The Cornelia of the "O" line passed up in the forenoon.

     The days continue genial and the nights delightfully cool.

     The public square was jammed full yesterday.  Robinson's circus tent, side shows, and the other side side show, wagons loaded with beasts, and beasts burdened with loads, wagons from the country, the rock smashers from the calaboose, and so forth, made things lively in the vicinity mentioned.  A big crowd was in attendance last night, at Robinson's circus.  James, the Fearless, won new honors in the saw-dust arena.

     A party of laborers are busily at work grading Eighth street, east of McGee.  The street sprinklers were out yesterday, giving patrons of Delaware and Main streets an acceptable visit.

     A number of Marshal Speer's "pet" were at work, yesterday, on the city rock pile --   hammering away to the dulcet strains of the hand organ of the great moral side show, on the public square.

     THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. -- We would have a lively old time if a fire should break out in this city.  the fire engine has no horses to draw it as those which have been used belonged to Mr. Geo. M. Chase and he has sold them.  the ladders, hooks and trucks bought by the city for the organization of a hook and ladder company, are lying chucked away like so much lumber in the loft of the engine house, and for all practical purposes our fire department is cypher.  After a wile w hen a conflagration has burnt thousands of dollars of property, and the smoke thereof has been seen ascending toward the place where the prayers of the righteous go, every one will be on the qui vive for reorganizing the fire department, and then as soon as a rain comes and settles the ashes the matter will settle, too.  Wouldn't it be better for the authorities to take the matter in hand and fix it up so that our people will feel more secure.

     To-day at Frank's Hall, Christine Milly will be on exhibition.  She is the most wonderful of all the freaks of nature yet presented to the public.  She has two perfect heads and shoulders, but the lower part of her body is consolidated into one, except the legs.  She has four of those useful appendages.  She converses with two persons at the same time on different subjects, and although she is a devout Christian and is opposed to dancing, she generally waltzes a little so show that she can do it.  One of the heads will sing the aria of a piece of music while the other sings alto.  She is colored, and although born a slave has a fair education, and is more than ordinarily smart, besides both faces are quite comely  We have seen her often and know that she is no humbug.