R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

September 16, 1870.

     J. & P. Shannon are now receiving their fall stock of goods.

     Blank books from ten cents to $2 per quire at Elliot, Robinson & Co's, 507 Main Street.

     Wiseman & Elder have removed their auction and commission house to 113 Fourth Street opposite the market square.

     Yesterday afternoon Mr. Trotter arrived in this city from California bringing with him some fruit from that state.  He presented our friends, Johnnie Shea and Charlie Harrington, with a pear measuring eighteen inches in circumference; also with a bunch of grapes weighing four pounds.  Who wants to go to the Golden State?   Don't all speak at once.

     Hon. I. C. Parker received the Radical nomination for Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, beating Colonel Asper in the convention by one vote.

     We are informed by Mr. Charles McCabe, general Western agent of the Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad in this city, that the celebrated Pullman sleeping cars have commenced running regularly upon that line between St. Louis and New York.

     This evening the street room in Coates' Opera House will be thronged with a gay crowd, for all the world will go to the entertainment of the ladies of the Unitarian Society.  There will be mirth, music and merriment, and many a jest, and sparkling repartee and joke will go around.  Let all go and swell the receipts of the evening until the purse strings cannot hold the sum.  Several poems have been written for the prize and more are expected by tonight.