R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

September 6, 1870.

     Tollgates are still in use in this vicinity.

     Dr. C. S. Boarman has moved into Taylor's Building, corner of Eight and Main streets.   Office upstairs.

     The hogs on the public square yesterday ate up a box of bread left by a farmer for safety on the sidewalk.

    Mr. H. W. Payne had a $300 team of bay horses stolen last week.  The robbers are still at large.

     For school books and periodicals go to Chamberlin & Phillips, 1215 1/2 Grand Avenue.

     Galvanized cornices and other ornamental work done at reduced prices by James F. McAdow, corner of Fifth and Delaware streets.

     Mrs. Anna Swiget of New York will give the citizens of Kansas City a rare treat on Wednesday night, September 17, at Long's Hall.  One of Shakespeare's grandest productions is the subject for her readings and we are assured that her conception of the play of "Macbeth" is wonderfully correct.  Tickets for the entertainment, which will commence at 8 o'clock, can be procured at Matt Foster's and at the Lindell Hotel.  Admission fifty cents.

     The first dance of the season was numerously attended last night and the fun was fast and furious till way into the midnight watches.  Classes at Professor Galloway's are ready for instruction now.