R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

December 15, 1870.

     The lamp on the corner of Twelfth and Main streets was not lighted last night.  Who receives the benefit of this economy?  Certainly not our citizens, who are compelled to be out after dark.

     Benefit for the Mechanics' Institute at the Opera House to-night.

     A free fight in a Walnut street saloon yesterday was summarily squelched.

     The pavilion for the grand fair which is to be given during Christmas week, is rapidly approaching completion.

     The famous Zavistowski sisters make their first appearance at Coates' Opera House Monday night.

     Persons who prefer oysters cooked in their own liquor may be interested in knowing what the fluid contains.  the Journal of Microscopy said:  "Open an oyster, retain the liquor in the lower or deep shell, and, if viewed through a microscope, it will be found to contain multitudes of small oysters, covered with shells and swimming nimbly about.  Besides these young oysters, the liquor contains myriads of three distinct species of worms.

     Yesterday afternoon, as we were perambulating down Main street, we noticed a poor forlorn wreck stupid with drink, laying at full length in the gutter, while around him were gathered a rabble of all colors and sexes, hooting and laughing, and throwing dirt at the poor fellow as he lay utterly helpless.  Here, say we, was a chance for your "Christian Commissions," &c. &c., which do so much in talk, but so little in work.  Another wreck of humanity lay in that gutter for weeks has gone to and fro in our city, crazed with drink, and yet, no man stretched forth a helping hand, if they did pity, and those who once every seven days "thank God that they are not as other men are," have passed him by with  a sneer at his condition, and a frown for his weakness.  "One little word of kindness, one little word of love" may yet save, but more such treatment as he received yesterday will only increase his deplorable condition.

     The newspapers of Kansas are circulating a report that the authorities at Washington have ordered a new census taken at Kansas City.  It is entirely probable that Kansas City somewhat understands her business, and if she is goaded on by such slanders, and is forced to take a new census, she will get her "angry" up, and beat St. Louis or "bust."  Kansas City is too large a place for dailies of suburban villages to tamper with.  It's none of our business.  St. Louis is the only one who has any reason to dread another census in Kansas City.

     There was a great lack of interested manifested at the Recorder's Court yesterday morning.  Larry King was the only attendant.  Larry was charged with chronic vagrancy.  He was allowed sufficient time to leave the city.