R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

February 22, 1870.

     Business is brightening.

     Yesterday witnessed a prizefight.  Let us hope it will be the last originated in this city.

     Galloway gave a pleasant hop last night.

     Lincoln street is open for travel.

     The river is filled with heavy floating ice, and the ferry boat has a hard time in crossing.  It crosses nevertheless.

     We regret to hear of the illness of J. B. Brothers, Deputy Marshal of this city.  Mr. Brothers is an affable gentleman and a good officer and we hope soon to chronicle his recovery.  Mr. T. F. Allen has been sworn in as deputy pro tem.

     Sunday was a day of unusual interest to the Churchgoers of Kansas City, and especially to the members of the United Presbyterian Church, it being the occasion of the dedication of their new Church.  It is situated on Walnut street near 10th, is 100 feet deep, about 40 wide, and is capable of comfortably seating 250 persons.  It is lighted by 12 half arch windows, five on each side, and one upon either side of the entrance.  Rev. W. C. Williamson, Rev. Mr. Reeves, and Rev. Mr. Irwin officiated during the dedicatory exercises.

     The Rev. Matthew Sorin will lecture this evening on the the subject of "the Bible in the Public Schools," at the Grand Ave. M. E. Church.  Teachers and patrons of the public schools are especially invited to attend.  Lecture free.