The weather was very cold yesterday, and the river was full of running ice.
The Times was sold yesterday afternoon. The first bid was made by Charles Dougherty of $5,000, and after spirited competition, the paper was knocked down to him for $9,005. We understand that there will be no change in the editorial conduct of the paper.
Nary a case before the Recorder's Court yesterday.
Railroad travel is very brisk. All the trains are crowded.
O'Donnel and King pummel each other tomorrow.
The examination of Jenny Redman, alias "Wicked Jenny," charged with being an accomplice in the murder of David Tipton, was resumed yesterday before Justice Cravens. Anna Shackleford was put upon the stand, sworn and testified. Her testimony did not differ materially from the testimony of other witnesses. The examination was adjourned until Monday, when the testimony for the defense will be taken.
We, that is, the tellers, were made very happy and good natured by the reception of an A No. one lunch from our genial friend, the proprietor of the Great Western Dining Hall. Friend Partridge stands at the head of the list in his profession, and we would advise our friends that like a square meal to give him a call.
Several persons living in this city are now lamenting the loss of their female bovines, or, in other words, cows. It appears that there is a regular gang of cow thieves in this city, and the police should exercise all their vigilance to detect them. Butchers, also, should be careful in buying cows of strangers.
We are indebted to the "Office Saloon" for a most acceptable remindy received last evening in the shape of several glasses "full of the nectar that Jupiter sips" or something equally delicious Such things seldom come amiss.