Grading and building are being vigorously prosecuted all over the city. The hotels are all doing a good business. Plenty of strangers in the city.
Only two cases before the Recorder yesterday morning. There are only four prisoners in the city prison, two of each sex.
Several parties living on Walnut street, west side, between 14th and 15th streets, have recently sued the city for damages caused by high water last July. The Judge has appointed Mr. Black, attorney, a referee in the matter.
Next Monday will be St. Valentine's day. Many display windows are decorated appropriately for the occasion.
There will be divine services in the English Lutheran Church every evening from this evening to the close of the week Services preparatory to the Lord's Supper on Friday evening.
We regret to learn that W. B. Stone, Esq., mourns the loss of his fiery untamed steed, which, with saddle and all, was stolen about 7 p.m. yesterday from the front of his store on Walnut street. The horse, which in this case, is a mare, is a dark bay, with black mane and tail, eight years old, and fifteen hands high Anyone who knows anything about the animal, will please communicate with the owner.
We yesterday paid a visit to the art gallery of Mr. Ragan, on Main street, and spent some time in examining the specimens of artistic photography that decorated its walls. We were very much pleased with the Rembrandt portrait, which is something new and very elegant, the portrait seemingly standing out in bold relief from the back ground. We have not the time to enumerate all the fine specimens of the photographic art that we saw, and must, therefore, advise our readers to call and see Mr. Ragan, who will be glad to show them specimens of his work.