Common Council meets this afternoon, School Board meets this evening.
Henry Clay Dean is in town.
Work on the new Union Depot is being rapidly pushed forward.
The river is lower than it has been for years. At least so says the oldest inhabitant.
There will be a meeting of the Library association at the office of T. V. Bryant, on Saturday next, at four o'clock, for the annual election of officers.
We are informed that on Monday night between eleven and twelve o'clock a man named Adam Marks, was quietly walking along Fourth street in the rear of the Sheridan House, when he was approached by some person whose face he was unable to see in the darkness, who said, "Which way, partner?" or something to that effect. he had hardly time to answer when the unknown laid hold of his collar and tripping him up, dashed him to the ground and then fell heavily upon him. Before Mr. Marks could recover the scoundrel had secured his pocketbook which contained about $45. The whole affair occupied so short a time that the astonished victim could hardly realize what had occurred. When he recovered the thief had disappeared and no trace of him could be found.
A family living on Eleventh street were alarmed last night by a burglar. Lights and revolvers were brought and the burglar was found to be -- a dog.
Bogus three and five cent pieces are now being circulated. Two manufacturers of this counterfeit money were arrested in Philadelphia a few days ago, while engaged in the work.
The St. Joseph papers give an account of the elopement of an old boy aged 80 years, residing in Holt county, Mo., with his step-daughter, a charming young lady, a week or two ago. This gay and festive youth compromised an adultery suit at the last term of the Hold county circuit court -- himself and the young lady being charged with the guilt by his wife and her mother. He may now with propriety be called an old boy in more than one sense of the world.
An individual by the name of Westbrook, we are informed, has been stopping at several of our boarding houses and telling the proprietors that he was an employee of this office, and after remaining a day or two, skip out with out paying his board there is no such person connected with this office in any capacity, nor do we employ any persons of this character. We advise all landlords to be on the lookout for him, as he is a dead beat of the first order He He is a man about 50 years of age, slightly lame,, is well-dressed, and carries a cane. Pass him around.