R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

March 11, 1870.

     The horror which has thrown such deep gloom over this community is too fresh in the minds of the public to be alluded to here.  And yesterday the remains of the loved and honored journalist were tenderly escorted by those who knew, loved and honored him while living, and who now that he is dead revere his memory, to be sent eastward to the home that his tragical death has made desolate indeed.

     At the conclusion of the coroner's inquest day before yesterday the honored remains were taken to the residence of Judge William Stevens, on the corner of Ross and Main streets, where loving hands carefully prepared them for their long, last sleep.  The body was placed in a handsome metallic burial casket, adorned with heavy silver mountings and a plate on which was engraved the following inscription:


     About 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the employees of the Journal, to the number of thirty, marched from the Journal office to the residence where the remains were lying.  The body was brought out and placed in a hearse, by the following gentlemen, who acted as pall bearers:  Col. Frank Foster, Col. J. C. Moore, Mr. Medsker, Mr. Fullerton, Maj. Thatcher and Col. Weissman.  The procession then proceeded to the Congregational church, where the funeral services were held.

     The body was taken from the hearse by the pall bearers and carried into the church, where it was placed before the alter.  As the mournful procession passed up the crowded aisle, the choir rendered a solemn anthem with good effect.  when the large audience had become somewhat composed, the Rev. Mr. Irwin gave out the 330 hymn:  "Christ, of All My Hopes the Crown," which was sung by the choir.  The Rev. Mr. Nott then read in a feeling manner the fourteenth chapter of Job.  At its conclusion a prayer, earnest, pathetic and solemn, was offered by the Rev. Mr. Warder.  The Rev. Mr. Irwin then read the funeral hymn, commencing, "From All that I Hold Dear," which was sung by the choir.  The Rev. Mr. Roberts then came forward to preach.  He took his text from the book of Samuel, chapter 20, 3d verse.

     At the conclusion of the sermon, the Rev. Mr. Nott, of the Second Presbyterian Church, made a feeling address.  In tones husky from emotion, the reverend gentleman proceeded to make a short address, full of pathos, sympathy and feeling, and when he had concluded, there was hardly a dry eye in that whole assemblage.  He said:  "John Wilder, the brave, true man, who is now lying dead before me, was my classmate.  He is not dead, but murdered.  No one can look at this tragedy without being shocked with horror and disgust.  Assassination is always cowardly, and an assassin is always a cowardly man.  An assassin is a coward, that, and nothing more.  It requires no courage to step up behind your victim and murder him."

     The Rev. Mr. Irwin then offered a fervent petition to the throne of grace, and the service were concluded by the benediction, pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Roberts.

     The cover which had concealed the face of the dead was then removed, and a throng of loving and weeping friends passed before it, and took a long and lingering gaze at the features that they should see no more until time is merged into eternity.  The coffin was again covered and conveyed by the pall bearers.

     The funeral cortege passed slowly down Chestnut street to Main, thence to Fifth street, and along Bluff street to the Union depot.  Arrived there, the remains were taken from the hearse and the casket was enclosed in a plain pine box and placed on the evening express train on the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, to be conveyed to Boston, where they will be interred.  Thus ended the funeral ceremonies, and with heavy hearts the mourners wended their way homewards, thinking of him who would never again be with them in hours of joy or moments of sorrow.

     And now, from the testimonials of regard and affection paid to the remains of his victim, let us turn to the miserable murderer whose dastardly act has been the of all this sorrow and suffering.  We feel like saying hard things against him, but we remember that He has said "Vengeance is mine, and I will repay," and we leave the murderer to the care of the laws of the country, which he has so fearfully violated, feeling assured that they will do impartial justice.  At five o'clock last night the murderer was placed in a close carriage, which was surrounded by a strong guard, and driv3en to the railroad depot, where he was p laced upon the train and taken to Independence.  Ere this reaches the reader, he will be safe in the gloomy recesses of the County Jail, and there we gave him to the gnawing of that conscience which even a man as sinful as he must sometimes be troubled with.  And here for the present ends this awful tragedy.  On Monday next the Grand Jury assemble and will probably investigate this sad affair.  What the future result will be we can only conjecture.  Let us hope that impartial justice will be done.