R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

March 17, 1870.

     To-day is St. Patrick's, and his children propose to celebrate it right royally.

     Winter has reasserted its sway, and the weather for the past two days has been much colder than comfortable.  Plenty of ice in the river.

     Remember the Republican ward meetings to-night.

     Work is to be recommenced on the Nelson House as soon as warm weather sets in.  The present cold weather has put an end to building.

     To-day is the Jewish feast of Purim.

     There will be divine services in the Catholic Churches this morning, in honor of St. Patrick's day.

     To-day is the last day for registration.  Are you registered?  If not, register at once.  If you desire to vote, you must register to-day.

     On Friday night a gentleman and lady arrived in this city on the train from the east, and stopped at a Lawrence hotel.  The lady was young and prepossessing in appearance  They represented themselves as man and wife, and professed to have had large experience in hotel business, and sere in search of employment in that line.  As they seemed familiar with the details of hotel duties, they found no difficulty in securing an engagement.  Their names appear upon the register as W. M. Canfield and wife.  On entering the dining room, the lady was met by one of the girls of the house, who at once recognized her as the wife of the landlord of the Eagle Hotel, in Kansas City, and immediately made the fact known to her employer.  An investigation then took place, which lead to a confession on the part of the lady that she was the wife of Mr. Rooney, of the Eagle hotel, and that she had left him, in company with Canfield, in whom she professed to find a younger and more congenial companion.  Mr. Rooney was confined to his bed by a severe illness at the time of the desertion of his wife.  Whether the name of the paramour was correctly registered, or whether, which is more probable, it was fictitious, we were unable to ascertain.  The guilty parties at once left the hotel, but at last accounts were still in Lawrence.