R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

March 26, 1870.

     A little rain fell last night.

     The Council sat as a court of enquiry yesterday, but in that capacity they were not a success.

     Work has been re-commenced on Second street.  Building is being vigorously prosecuted all over the city.  The wholesale houses of this city are doing a heavy business.

     The police business is small.  Nary a case before the Recorder's Court yesterday.   This can only be accounted for from the fact that all the candidates are dead broke and can't treat.

     The discharge papers of a soldier in the 7th Kansas Cavalry, were lost yesterday.  The owner is blind, and any one returning them to this office will receive his thanks.

     While our Mayor and Council struggle to impede progress, the Leavenworth Times and Conservative says "We are pleased to inform Republicans, white and black, that a copy of the official notice to Congress of the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment is on its way to Leavenworth.  ... It leaves but a few days to our Democratic friends to make their peace with colored voters.  We suppose from this we will see the Democrats explaining in dulcet whispers to the newly enfranchised that they have always been their friends.  But you are too late, gentlemen, the bitter experience of half a century cannot be explained away in a moment, however eloquent the politician.  The Republican party, with the help of the soldier patriots, has enfranchised the once despised race, and they will vote with their friends.  In Democratic circles it has been customary to say with a sneer, "The colored troops fought nobly," and we know that they will vote as they fought.  Democrats will find their advances answered by the inspiring music of "'Shoo Fly.'"

     The Council met in the Chamber yesterday morning.  Alderman Cook called the Council to order and stated that the meeting was an adjourned for the purpose of investigating the case of Captain Miserez on the charge of registering Negroes to vote.  Mayor Long stated that he had been served with an injunction restraining him interfering with Peter J. Miserez in the discharge of his duties.  In fact, the whole Council was served with the injunction, which Mayor Long advised the Council to disregard.   Considerable discussion then followed on the question, whether the Council was setting as a council, or a court of enquiry.  Speeches were made by the Democratic attorneys, who vainly attempted to prove that something or other meant nothing at all, and that the injunction was not an injunction.  
     Then the attorney for Capt. Miserez filed a motion to dismiss the charges, denouncing the merits of the accusation in light of the fact that the Captains actions were perfectly legal.  As Mr. Cravens read the motion, it began to be remembered by the Council that if they proceeded they would be punished for contempt, and it being also known that Marshal Hayden, although a Democrat, was still resolved to do his duty, the courage of those Councilmen who had determined to proceed, injunction to the contrary, began to ooze out, and hence when Alderman Chaffee introduced the very sensible resolution to Adjourn, the Democratic Aldermen voted for it unanimously, glad no doubt, that their leader's brains had devised such easy means for at least a dignified escape from what promised to be a very unpleasant dilemma.  Next time the Council attempts to fly in the face of progress and law, its members will doubtless look before they leap.