The weather is cold but pleasant. The river is full of floating ice.
"Under the Gaslight" drew a good house at Frank's Hall last night.
Republicans register to-day if you desire to vote.
The "bogos Democracy" held several meetings last evening to prepare for the coming funeral of their party. It was a solemn scene.
Marble has been discovered on the farm of J. F. Kinney, about five miles from this city up the Kaw. It is of a dark color and beautifully variegated. It is susceptible of a fine polish and can be had in exhaustible quantities. This discovery is really an important one and we hope soon to see our city advance with buildings constructed of it.
The Young Men's Christian Association are engaged in starting a reading room. Help them -- the city needs such a thing.
There are several man t raps and pitfalls in this city. where is our street commissioner?
The Fourth Ward School, a fine building, which stands on the corner of May and Eighth streets, was erected by the Board of Education at a cost of $22,000, and was formally opened yesterday. The school house is built of brick, with facings of Junction City stone and is well finished throughout. Yesterday it was formally opened with about 150 pupils. The following are teachers: Principal, Mr. Coleman; Miss Rebecca Wyseng, Miss Mary Smith and Miss Tristoe, Assistants. We sincerely hope that this building will long stand to be used in the great cause of free education.
The city is to have three daily mails to and from the east. How are you now, Leavenworth?
On Sunday last the "local" of the Journal attended divine service in the German Catholic Church. when the mass was over and he was leaving the church and within five feet of the door, he replaced his hat on his head. Whereupon some bigoted foolish old woman rushed forward with a yell and knocked it off. This is the legitimate result of ignorance and bigotry, and if these qualifications lead to Heaven, the old woman mentioned is certainly on the high road to that blissful spot.