Business is brisk, and our merchants are rejoicing.
Kansas City has imported tea directly from Japan.
The Quincy Evening Journal of the 3rd says that on the afternoon there were ten car loads of Swedes at the depot, on their way to Kansas City from Ohio. They compose a colony, and are leaving the Buckeye State to better their fortunes in the far west.
Candidates are plentiful, and the saloons are reaping a rich harvest.
A chap writes to an evening paper and signs himself, "Progressive Democracy." We were not aware that there was any such thing.
The registration of voters for the coming election was begun in the various wards yesterday. The registering place for the First ward is at the Court House, Mr. Mansfield, register. The registering place for the Second ward is in the Metropolitan block, grand Avenue. For the Third ward at the Broadway Hotel, and for the fourth ward at Case's new building near the Sheridan Hotel. We need not remind our readers that wish to vote, that it is absolutely essential that they should register if they wish to enjoy that privilege. No old registration will avail. If you would vote, register.
Bancroft and Fessedens Dramatic troupe appeared before a large audience at Frank's Hall last night, in the sensational drama of "Under the Gaslight." To say that it was well and creditably acted throughout, would be no more than a simple act of justice. The parts were uniformly well taken, and as great care had been taken in the costuming, the whole effect was very pleasing. Let our citizens turn out and show that they appreciate and will sustain a good theatre. Tonight, Don Caesar de Basan. Let everybody who loves the drama turn out and go.