There will be a grand rally of the Republicans of the Second Ward at Warneke's Saloon, Grand avenue, to-night. Good speakers will be in attendance. Rally, Republicans. All are invited.
Persons who desire anything in the hardware or cutlery line, should call on J. E. Forbes & Co., 804 Main street. Their stock is large and complete, and their goods are marked down to living prices. It will pay you to call on them.
Slowly but surely Kansas City is rising to the dignity and importance that is justly her due. The metropolis of the Missouri Valley has outrun her competitors in the race, and even at Washington her supremacy by publishing an order of the Post-office Department instructing route agents to make Kansas City and not Leavenworth the terminus of their routes.
NOTICE. -- Parties who desire to have the address of their papers changed, should be particular to send the old as well as the new address. The county and State should also be plainly stated. By following these instructions there will be but few complaints about papers not reaching their destination.
It gives us great pleasure to announce that our old friend C. Frank, who has for a long time carried on a successful grocery businesses on Main street, opposite the square, has secured as a partner Mr. John Baum, formerly with the house of H. W. Gillett of Leavenworth. Mr. B. is a gentleman of great business experience, and the new firm will be a strong one. We wish it success.
Two negroes -- one aged 100, the other 101 years, registered as voters at St. Joseph a few days ago. Both were born slaves, and remained such until the proclamation of President Lincoln. The Herald discourseth on the affair thusly:
"These old men, with the frosts of a hundred winters whitening their polls, walked arm in arm, as we have said, and asked to be permitted the exercise of the freeman's privilege before they died. It was a glorious duty those registering officers had of saying to these veterans of a hard fought life, 'Come up and sit ye in the places of the elected.' As the old men put their palsied hands to the pen that signed their names it seemed the consummation of a long-deferred justice -- it was the breaking of the seal upon the tomb of hope, and the glory of a perfect freedom issued out into the world."
"These old men, with the frosts of a hundred winters whitening their polls, walked arm in arm, as we have said, and asked to be permitted the exercise of the freeman's privilege before they died. It was a glorious duty those registering officers had of saying to these veterans of a hard fought life, 'Come up and sit ye in the places of the elected.' As the old men put their palsied hands to the pen that signed their names it seemed the consummation of a long-deferred justice -- it was the breaking of the seal upon the tomb of hope, and the glory of a perfect freedom issued out into the world."