The mud. The much needed rain has come at last.
Lincoln street is finished and is now in use.
Railroad travel is very brisk. The freighting business on all or roads is very heavy.
Yesterday afternoon a young man named James Monroe died at the residence of Wm. Mack, on Grand avenue, from the effects of a gun-shot wound, received last Saturday last while "ducking" across the river. It appears that Monroe was hunting ducks on the lakes in Clay county. About three o'clock Saturday afternoon, in removing some obstacles in his path, the lock of the gun became entangled in the underbrush, and ere the young man was aware of that fact, the hammer had been cocked and the gun discharged, the shot lodged in the left shoulder. The wounded man was conveyed to the residence of Mr. Mack, where he was living, but medical assistance was of no avail. Monroe was some twenty-three years of age, and came to this area recently from Albany, New York, where his parents reside. He was a young man of fine personal appearance, genial, courteous, and one who would have soon gained a numerous friends. He seemed to have plenty of money, and was visiting the city on a prospective tour. The body has been expressed to his family in New York, who have learned by the wires of the sad fate of their loved one.
In a special session yesterday, the Council have defied the injunction, and endeavored to remove Capt. Miserez. They will feel miserable over the job before they get through with it. Alderman McGee stated that he had been absent during the "late unpleasantness," and was uninformed on the matter. He requested that the charges be read for his enlightenment. Mr. Hudson then read the ponderous, and beautiful mixture of law and "highfalutin," principally the latter, comprised in the documents in the case of the Democracy vs. Miserez. Alderman Cook asked the Council what they would do with the case. Mr. Twitchell, the City Attorney, then addressed the Council. He said that the ordinance under which this trail was proposed, was passed in 1869, and said that th4e old charter provided that any ordinance providing a penalty, could only be enforced after its publication, and the ordinance had never been published, and was therefore void.
Alderman McGee then interrupted, and asked Mr. Twitchell a legal question so complicated and profound, that we cannot give it form. Mr. Twitchell, however, satisfied Alderman McGee's enquiring mind, and the business of the Council proceeded. Mr. Thompson then went on to make a brilliant legal argument on every possible subject, save, perhaps, the matter under consideration. Alderman Hilliker moved that the Council cease spending the people's money in such tomfoolery as they were then carrying on. He regarded the present proceedings as a disgrace to the Council. Alderman English seconded the motion. The ayes and noes were then taken upon the written motion filed by Captain Miserez's attorney, to dismiss the case. The motion was lost, 6-2 -- only English and Hilliker voting affirmatively.
Mr. Thompson then called upon the city editor of the JOURNAL to testify in the case; but that personage absolutely refused to have anything to do with the matter. Policeman Kelso proved a more willing witness, and testified to what every member of the Council knew perfectly well before. David O'Neal was then sworn, and testified to Capt. Miserez's registering colored men. After many more speeches and maneuvering, Alderman Chaffee moved to expel Capt. Miserez from office. Alderman Waterman seconded the motion. Aldermen While, Wolf, Cook, Waterman, Chaffee and McGee voted aye. Aldermen English and Hilliker voted no. A communication was read from Mayor Long, nominating Thomas Phelan as Supervisor of Registration. Alderman English said the Mayor had no right to make any such appointment. The communication was laid over, and the Council then adjourned.
Alderman McGee then interrupted, and asked Mr. Twitchell a legal question so complicated and profound, that we cannot give it form. Mr. Twitchell, however, satisfied Alderman McGee's enquiring mind, and the business of the Council proceeded. Mr. Thompson then went on to make a brilliant legal argument on every possible subject, save, perhaps, the matter under consideration. Alderman Hilliker moved that the Council cease spending the people's money in such tomfoolery as they were then carrying on. He regarded the present proceedings as a disgrace to the Council. Alderman English seconded the motion. The ayes and noes were then taken upon the written motion filed by Captain Miserez's attorney, to dismiss the case. The motion was lost, 6-2 -- only English and Hilliker voting affirmatively.
Mr. Thompson then called upon the city editor of the JOURNAL to testify in the case; but that personage absolutely refused to have anything to do with the matter. Policeman Kelso proved a more willing witness, and testified to what every member of the Council knew perfectly well before. David O'Neal was then sworn, and testified to Capt. Miserez's registering colored men. After many more speeches and maneuvering, Alderman Chaffee moved to expel Capt. Miserez from office. Alderman Waterman seconded the motion. Aldermen While, Wolf, Cook, Waterman, Chaffee and McGee voted aye. Aldermen English and Hilliker voted no. A communication was read from Mayor Long, nominating Thomas Phelan as Supervisor of Registration. Alderman English said the Mayor had no right to make any such appointment. The communication was laid over, and the Council then adjourned.