R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Wednesday, April 6, 1870.

     The election is over.  The speeches and enthusiasm of the campaign will soon be forgotten, and the city will once more relapse into its accustomed quietude.  The Republicans have made a gallant struggle, and although they have not gained all that they were striving for, still the result is not altogether hopeless, and we trust that the Radicals will not be discouraged but resolve to labor and secure a perfect organization.  The Democracy has elected Milt McGee, but several Republican Aldermen were also elected.

     At the First Ward polls, while there has been an attempt at an appearance of fairness, it has really been confined to appearance.  Early in the morning the colored voters began to take their place at the Court house.  The first that presented his ballot was challenged, and after some discussion his vote was deposited in a separate box for future reference.  The same rule was followed with all others whose vote was not rejected on the spot.  Few of the negro votes were taken, the judges claiming that those who did not write their own name, but made their mark, could not vote unless the Registrar witnessed the signature, which in many cases he had omitted to do.  But with regard to the means of ascertaining this an inequitable system was adopted.  Every negro was put through a rigid system of cross examination and if he still persisted in declaiming that he had signed his name the list was looked up and the statement verified.  One was rejected, who had signed, and on his second appearance, the Judge expressed his chagrin in not over courteous terms to the gentleman who had been instrumental in giving him his rights.

     White men, on the contrary, were frequently passed by altogether.  At least one of these men, John Corcoran, has his X mark as plainly visible on the list as any Negros.  The others were merely asked whether they had signed or not, and in almost ever instance, the list was left untouched, and their word alone relied upon, however ignorant or degraded they might be.  One of these men, a Mr. Carroll, after declaring that he had written his name, appealed to the Judges to tell him whom he had voted for, as he was unable to read himself.  The vote in the First Ward was 274 for Dr. Taylor, 411 for McGee.

     The Second Ward witnessed perhaps more disorder than any other in the city.  Milt himself was present and carried things with a high hand.  Two passages were opened, one for white and one for the colored men.  The names of the colored men who were rejected were not taken and their ballots were thrown aside as waste paper.  The Ward will probably give McGee a 120 majority.

     The polls of the third ward were at the Broadway Hotel, and the election there proceeded very quietly.  The total vote cast in this ward was -- white, 374; colored, 12.  The colored votes, although accepted, were not counted, for what reason we cannot state.  The vote for Mayor here was Dr. Taylor, 176; McGee, 193.

     In the Fourth Ward the election progressed in a quiet and orderly manner. Not the slightest disturbance occurred, and the voting proceeded more rapidly than in any other Ward.  The negro vote was received and counted.  Here Dr. Taylor received 328 votes, to McGee's 261.

     There can be no doubt but that the Democratic ticket is elected.  The Republicans, however gain several Aldermen.

     The Police deserve great credit for the good order they have preserved . Marshal Keck has posted them skillfully, and both he and the excellent Chief of Police, Robt. Adams, deserve the greatest credit for the excellent arrangements that they have made for the conservation of the public peace.  Prevention is better than cure and our place have shown themselves excellent preventers.  In fact the quietude of the day may be traced directly to their efforts.