The "Dimicrats" "celebrated" last night.
In our yesterday's issue, although we gave the general result of the election, the details were of necessity brief and incomplete. To-day we present a more correct statistical view of the result. In all four Wards combined, McGee had a total of 1299 votes, Dr. Taylor bringing in 1017 votes. The total number of voters was recorded as 2336, 2379 of which were white, 387 colored. This, of course, is only the number of votes received and counted. The number of rejected and colored votes cannot be accurately ascertained.
Here were the winners of the Aldermen races in the various Wards: First Ward, Chaffee and Campbell, both Democrats, elected; Second Ward, Keefer and Henn, both Democrats, elected; Third Ward, Ellison, Republican, and Lykins, Democrat, elected; Fourth Ward, Marsh and Traber, both Republicans, elected.
Wyandotte has elected two colored men to office. One Councilman and one Justice of the peace.
The steamer Henry Turner, arrived here from St. Louis yesterday and brought a large colony of immigrants.
It is probable that the election will be contested, owing to the illegal action of the Judges in several of the Wards, in refusing to receive the colored vote, and neglecting to count it even after it had been received.
MILTON'S CELEBRATION: Mr. McGee having at length succeeded through the lavish expenditure of greenbacks, in being elected Mayor of Kansas City, resolved to have a grand celebration of the, for him, fortunate event. He had it. Last night the mansion of the new elected official was crowded and liquor was free. Speeches were made, and a good time was had. Loud talking and boisterous laughing, and hand shaking were the order of the hour, but no disturbance occurred.
The street gas lamps were not lit until past ten o'clock last night. Who is to blame? This is becoming too frequent an occurrence to suit our citizens.