"How's this for high?" was the frequent exclamation of pedestrians yesterday, as they sought some shelter from the fierce and driving winds.
The morning matinee of Recorder Carpenter was not very well attended yesterday. Margaret Wilson appeared, as the leading character in the "Female Inebriate." The cost of the entertainment was $8.75. Miss Wilson generously paid the entire sum herself, not willing that any part of the expense should be borne by the manager.
About half past 11 o'clock last night, a large three story brick store house of Askew, Dubois & Co., on the corner of Third and Delaware streets, fell with a terrible crash, caused by the wind, which was blowing a hurricane at the time. the store was filled from cellar to roof with saddlery, hardware, &c. They could not have had less than sixty or seventy thousand dollars worth of goods in store. Wee were unable to learn the probable cost of the building. It was reported there were some persons stopping in the building, but we are glad to state that this is a mistake. Owing to the lateness of the hour, and the confusion around the ill-fated house, we were unable to gather full particulars.
Enterprising business men help a town by liberal advertising They create a demand for goods that would never be thought of, and draw customers that would go somewhere else.
It is a good time about now, when everybody is making their gardens, for everybody else to keep their chickens up. If the owners of the fowls don't do it, need a body blame a body if the chickens aforementioned don't go home to roost at the regular hour?
The Missouri River, Fort Scott and Galveston Railroad was completed on Saturday last to the southern line of Kansas, giving a complete line from this city to the Indian Territory.
Another foot race match was made yesterday afternoon at the St. Nicholas Hotel, between the two runners, Ruleff, of Paola, and "the Stranger." The race is to be run to-day, though we are not informed as to the locality -- probably the "Abbey" in McGee's Addition. There was talk of $500 a side being staked, but that sounds "fishy." It will be a safe thing to say the least, if outsiders will go slow in the matter of making wagers, for "you can't most always tell!"