Yesterday was sultry, and to pedestrians extremely unpleasant as the high winds blew clouds of dust through the streets powdering hair and griming faces after a very uncomfortable fashion.
The Kansas City Horse Association bids fiar to be a success. Another meeting is called at 8 o'clock to-night at "the Senate." the ground selected for the track is located east of Holmes street, north of Gertrude, adjoining McGee's Addition in the east, and comprises thirteen acres.
Mr. Babcock, one of the JOURNAL's traveling agents, sent an interesting letter to-day, and names a number of new subscribers from California to Tipton.
The famous Forest City Base Ball Club will play a match game with the Kaw Valley Club, a t Topeka next Wednesday. Special arrangements are being made with the railroad company to take passengers at half fare, who go from this city to see the match.
NOTICE TO SLAUGHTER HOUSES. -- Dr. Dickerson, the City Physician, notified yesterday the owners of the different slaughter houses about the city and the distillery in McGee's Addition to clean up; to take prompt measures to make their premises as wholesome as possible, in preparation for the hot months of summer. This is a "move in the right direction." All the proprietors of slaughter houses should lose no time in fulfilling the order of the City Physician, which is given to prevent sickness arising in the vicinity o9f those houses, which will certainly occur if the above preventative measures are not taken promptly.
A short time ago a man came to this place from New York City, bringing with him a young woman, who was living with him for some time but to whom, it is said, she was not married. Her name is Catherine (or Kitty) Coleman, and since her arrival here she has been residing two doors north of Vaughn's Diamond, and has kept a confectionery establishment, known as the "Oriental." On last Friday the man left for parts unknown, leaving Kitty Coleman to get along here among strangers as best she could. when this heartless desertion was fully realized by her, she gave way to her feelings of despair, and determined to end her existence. for this purpose she procured a quantity of arsenic, and last night swallowed enough to produce certain death. but the fact became known, and medical assistance was hastily summoned. Dr. C. Jackson and Dr. S. S. Todd came to her aid, and by means of a stomach pump, they removed the poison from her system before it had accomplished its fatal mission. It is believed that she will now recover, and since her life has been rescued from the extreme brink of the grave, it is hoped that she will hereafter prize it more highly, accept it hopefully, and employ it nobly and usefully.