R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Saturday, April 30, 1870.

     A meeting of the Press Club is called this afternoon.  It is hoped every member will attend.  herein, fail not!

     A concert was given last night for the benefit of the Widows and Orphans' Home of this city, at Independence  There is to be a concert at Frank's Hall Monday night for the same worthy object.  There should be a crowded hall.

     The "Young Democracy" of this city met, organized, appointed a committee to draft a constitution, and adjourned to meet next Thursday night.

     The Times speaks of being shown a calcined specimen of the bones of a former resident of this city, M. A. Stodon, lately dug up at the foot of Broadway.

     At 6 o'clock last evening Mr. A. W. Gamble, the champion walkist, commenced the task of walking 125 miles in 30 consecutive hours, at Lon's Hall.  The crowd was not large until about  ten o'clock.  At half past nine o'clock he had accomplished about twenty miles of the feat, and reported himself "fresh as a Daisy."  The time of this walking exhibition continues until about midnight to-night.  It is somewhat a curiosity aside from the marvelous powers of human endurance required..  The Hall has been prepared with a layer of sawdust, and the walk is made in a circle -- 31 times around the circle constitutes two miles.  During one hour last evening Gamble walked seven miles.  This almost unheralded walkist has a flattering reputation in his line.  He is a native of Washington county, New York.  Last  season he beat some half-dozen different horses. During the day, t-day and night, as the closing scenes of the walk draw near, the excitement will of course increase.  He bathes every two hours during his pedestrian tour.

     Persons who are paying high rents should avoid them in the future by becoming members of the Building Association.  In this way they get houses of their own for less than they now pay for rents.  There will be another drawing of money at the Court House to-night.  The office of the Association is in the Times building, corner of Main and Fifth streets, at the office of Munford & Fancher, where any further information in regard to the association can be had.  Call to-day and become subscribers.  Only a few more shares remain unsold.