R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Sunday, May 1, 1870.

     Yesterday was a splendid day, and business throughout the city was active. The public square yesterday was a scene of stirring activity.  The auctioneer made the day discordant with their loud vociferations of "Hummuch'mIoff'f'd! HUMMUCH?"

     Marshal Speers had a number of his students busily engaged yesterday in their rockological investigations.

     Marshal Hayden commenced his spring house cleaning yesterday.  The Court House is now cleaned from bottom clean to the top.

     Prof. Galloway announces that the last grand Hop for the season at his Academy will be given to-morrow night.  This last of the pleasant and merry parties that have convened at Galloway's will no doubt be a brilliant and pleasant affair.

     The fruit stalls are plentifully supplied with lemons and oranges.  Eat of them liberally (of oranges and lemons, we mean, of course) and you will be happier and healthier.

     We call the attention to all lovers of Base Ball in this city and vicinity, to the long expected match game between the Enterprise and Hectors, of this city, to be played Monday afternoon next, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Seventeenth and Hackberry streets, near the McGee Race Course.  Both clubs are neatly uniformed, and will make a splendid display.  Ladies and gentlemen are respectfully invited to attend.

     A. W. Gamble, the walkist, was compelled to abandon his mission of waling 125 miles in 30 hours at Long's Hall, when it became apparent that the parties who had the $200 purse were non est, with the hall rent due and no one with the necessary stamps to liquidate the debt on hand.  The gentleman in charge of the Hall announced that fifteen dollars in currency was absolutely necessary as hall rent, before any more "walking around" could be done there,  With but seven miles remaining to accomplish his feat, and plenty of time to do it in, Mr. Gamble was compelled to stop, and he did. 

     To-day is the day of rest.  Only those who labor diligently from Monday morn to Saturday eve can understand the blessings of rest; for there is no rest where there has been  no labor.  There is rest promised to "the weary" but none to the lazy.  To many this is more than a day of rest; for they believe that God's gift of night is not m ore surely an invitation to slumber and refreshment than God's gift of Sabbath is to communion and worship.