If the streets are in tolerable condition to-night, and if no storm of rain is threatened, then may we safely anticipate a large attendance and joyous time at the Catholic Festival this evening. It is to be given in Sweeney's new and elegant block on Main street, near Fourth. The proceeds of the Festival are to apply to Father Halpin's Church; and this fact will serve to bring out many of the Irish lads and lassies. Ample preparations have been made for the occasion. A social dance, to the merry music of one of our best string bands will be a prominent and popular feature of the evening's entertainment.
Dr. T. B. Lester of this city has been elected President of the State Medical Association of Missouri, for the ensuing year. This is a high compliment and has been tendered to an excellent physician and worthy gentleman.
Some druggists are now labeling cans of kerosene oil as follows: "Do not attempt to light a fire with this oil. Do not fill the lamp while burning or at night. A lamp in daily use should be cleaned occasionally, and all oil removed by daylight, and not at night. Fill the lamp with oil daily. Do not place the oil near the fire, or where there is more than usual heat. Keep the oil in a cool place. Neglect of these directions may cause the loss of life and property."
A grand musical entertainment is to be given at Frank's Hall next Monday evening for the benefit of the Widows' and Orphans' Home of this city. We trust the hall will be crowded on that occasion. The institution is one well worthy of the charitable assistance of this community. Go to Breunert & Wocher's, secure a ticket for yourself and your sweetheart of a wife, or your sweetheart that you hope some day will be your wife, and thus help to make the concert one of great pecuniary success.
Hon. C. S. Glick is about to commence a suit against Wyandotte for damages sustained in a fall he got some time ago in consequence of the bad condition of the sidewalk. Mr. Glick had two ribs broken and one o his ankles badly bruised, the accident leaving him very dilapidated and demoralized.