There has been a most agreeable change in the atmosphere since the recent rain.
Dr. Charles Baker has returned from a visit to the Sunny South. He has promised this paper a sketch of his journey.
BASE BALL! -- The Forest City Club, of Rockford, Illinois, will visit Kansas City, provided their expenses will be guaranteed them. They also intend to make a trip to New Orleans, it is rumored. Joe Doyle, formerly the first baseman of the Buckeyes of Cincinnati, plays that position in the Rockford Nine.
A swarm of bees settle settled this afternoon on Fourth street, in front of the "Office Saloon." A negro man was "bees-ily" engaged in trying to hive the bees. We suppose he succeeded.
A Hook and Ladder Company has been formed in West Kansas City. Its officers are R. W. Hilliker, President; Thos. Sanford, Secretary; J. Toney, Treasurer; J. P. Hamblin, Captain, and Wm. Burnett, Captain's Assistant. The Company will meet next Saturday evening for further action.
The work of tearing down old and shabby awnings, and putting up new and handsome ones, goes bravely on.
Mr. Speers, the City Marshal, has the efficient assistance of Edward Dowd and Dennis Malloy as Deputy Marshals.
Officer Matthew O'Malley has resigned his position on the police force.
The Catholic festival will be given to-morrow evening in Sweeney's handsome new block on Main street, opposite the square. It is to be given for the benefit of Father Halpin's church. There will be refreshments served in the room below, and above will be mu sic, social enjoyment, fun and gayety. A pleasant dance is expected to wind up the night's entertainment. The festival cannot fail to prove a most agreeable one, and as the proceeds are to be applied to the church of Father Halpin -- who is greatly respected and esteemed -- the attendance may be safely predicted to be large, and the occasion one of as much pleasure as profit.