MEETING TO-NIGHT. -- Water! Water! is the great want of Kansas City. Some think it can be, perhaps, dispensed with as a drink, but all agree that it is essential for cooking purposes and for washing, not to mention its importance in case of a fire. Let all interested in the proposed plan of establishing a water works here, turn out to-night, at Turners' Hall, and hear the speeches that will be made by prominent citizens.
The Board of Aldermen met yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Among other city business, a resolution was adopted authorizing the Mayor and City Physician to provide coffins for paupers. A resolution instructing the Engineer to remove a bank of earth at the Corner of Chandler and 9th streets was adopted. The City Physician, Dr. Dickerson, appeared and asked the Council to make a road from the city to the pest house. The Council issued an order to make such a road. An ordinance to suppress prostitution by a fine of no less than $3 nor more than $150, and being on the streets after dark a misdemeanor. After some discussion the ordinance was laid over. The Council then went into secret session.
An executive meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will be held to-night at 7 1/2 o'clock, at their rooms on Sixth street. Business of importance demands the presence of every member of the Executive Committee at the meeting this evening.
Mr. Kamsler, the well known tobacconist of this city, is at present in New York. He will be absent about two weeks.
Rev. J. W. Lewis, pastor of the Fifth street M. E. Church, has left for Memphis, to attend the Conference there. His pulpit will be supplied till his return by Rev. Mr. Scarritt.
MODERN SPIRITUALISM EXPOSED. -- The above is the subject of the lecture that will be given to-night at the Second Presbyterian Church by Mrs. N. M. Henry, the talented lady preacher of Illinois. The lecture is given for the benefit of the Women's Christian Association of this place. The price of admission is fifty cents. The above association is doing a noble work in this city. Frequent appeals from the needy and forsaken have exhausted its funds. Here is a good opportunity for all who feel inclined to aid the efforts of the kind hearted and earnest members of the association, to help replenish their depleted treasury.
Mr. Ed. R. Hunter has returned to the city, from a somewhat extended visit to "Nu Yorrick." His Broadway "style" makes a marked impression on his many friends here.
The Democratic Executive Committee for Jackson county are called upon to rally at the Court House in Independence next Thursday "to counsel upon important political affairs of the county" -- probably the loaves and fish of public office. But the "Young Democracy" of this city want a finger in that pie, and mean to have it. They don't want Mr. Robert Hall to be slaughtered in the nominating convention this year.
"And must Sir Robert Die?
Is Sir Robert doomed to die?
Then four hundred o' the Young Democracy
Will know the reason why!"
"And must Sir Robert Die?
Is Sir Robert doomed to die?
Then four hundred o' the Young Democracy
Will know the reason why!"