Seventy beautiful residence lots at auction to-day in Munford & Fancher's Addition.
On Saturday of next week, the old folks and young folks of the congregation of the Christian Church, will have a picnic in Evans' Grove -- that is if it don't rain.
Eighteen cases were tried before Recorder Carpenter, yesterday. The fees and costs imposed amounted to $106.60. Good business for one day!
Free 'busses will run to the auction sale in Mumford & Fancher's Addition to-day. Free lunch at the auction, too!
About one o'clock last night a fire broke out on the Levee in the Steam Cracker Factory, which was destroyed as was also the house adjoining. At one time it was feared the whole block would have to go but, there being but little wind and the fire engine coming to the rescue, the flames were confined to the building. The main part of the building was occupied by Perron & Geesey as a cracker factory, and the East part by a German, whose name we could not learn, as a grocery. There was about $4,0-00 worth of goods in the cracker factory. It was occasioned by defective ovens or the explosion of a coal oil lamp, which was burning in the back part of the building at the time. We were unable to ascertain the amount of insurance, if any.
DIED: -- At his residence in Quindaro, Kan., May 10, 1870, after a lingering illness, George Wertz (formerly of Pittsburg, Pa., and late of Kansas City, Mo.), aged 39 years and 2 months. Funeral will take place this day at 3 o'clock p. m. Friends and acquaintances of the deceased and family are respectfully invited to attend.
At Turner's hall a meeting was held last evening, for the purpose of taking into consideration the subject of erecting a water works in Kansas City. there were quite a number present, most of them being prominent business men. On motion of Mr. J. B. Follett, the meeting was called to order, and Judge Jenkins was elected Chairman, and A. D. Simmons, of the Times, and Isaac N. Hicks, of the Journal, Secretaries. Mr. Marsh of the Common Council, thought that the finances of the city were in such a condition that its bonds could be sold at the figures prescribed by law, and that the city might, itself, build such works, rather than give the matter to the hands of a stock company. Mr. English spoke in opposition to giving such privileges to a stock company. When built, he said the works would be a steady source of revenue, and should be received by the city, not by any corporation. (Applause). Ex-Mayor Long opposed the granting of a charter to any private corporation, until the city fathers should decline to build the works at the city's expense.