The fine packet Glasgow, Capt. Lamonth commanding, and Will. Lamothe at the desk, arrived yesterday noon with the heaviest freight of the season. She landed goods for many local firms, and discharged at Wyandott, 400 tons of railroad iron for the Denver Extension road. The W. B. Dance will arrive from St. Louis an d leave on her return trip to-day. The Silver Bow came down from Omaha last night, discharged a small quantity of freight and backed out for St. Louis. The Columbia, a Mountain boat, passed down yesterday. The river has declined about eight inches in the last 21 hours.
If some supposed that the Court House would be crowded last evening to listen to what might be said on the subject of Water Works, they were very much mistaken. There were not more than fifty present, and great was the surprise expressed that the meeting failed to bring out a full attendance.
The ceiling of the Grand Avenue Methodist church was so badly damaged by the late storm of rain, owing to the water soaking through the roof, that a new ceiling will have to be put on. The roof, it seems, was )like the jokes of the Leavenworth Bulletin) altogether too flat.
During the past three or four days the JOURNAL has added one hundred new subscribers to its weekly list. It is, considering the amount of reading matter given its columns, the cheapest newspaper in Missouri.
There was but one case before the Recorder yesterday. We decline to give publicity to his name.
"We will wrap him round in silence;
We to weakness all are heir; --
He has fallen, who rarely staggered,
Let the rest of us beware!"
"We will wrap him round in silence;
We to weakness all are heir; --
He has fallen, who rarely staggered,
Let the rest of us beware!"
An old topper suggests that a number who stand pledged (the only pledge they ever took) to vote against the proposed water works, will favor heartily a proposition to put up a brandy-and-water works.
To the Editor of the Journal: In the Independence Sentinel of May 28 the following appeared among its local items:
"The negro lodge of Masons of this place are having unbounded success in the way of members. Some twenty or twenty-five have already joined. Some white rascal is doubtless having unbounded success in palming off upon the poor negroes for masonry, a spurious article unknown to and unrecognized by the brotherhood. It is a cute Yankee trick, and there's money in it; that's all."
Permit me to say to the Sentinel that though it's Democratic, slave-holding party has tried to deny the negroes every right of manhood; they are not such fools as he supposes. No white man has ever put his foot in our lodge of Free masons at Independence. It is a regularly constituted Lodge of the Ancient York Masons, and is one of a great many others that are firmly established in Missouri. -- ANON.
"The negro lodge of Masons of this place are having unbounded success in the way of members. Some twenty or twenty-five have already joined. Some white rascal is doubtless having unbounded success in palming off upon the poor negroes for masonry, a spurious article unknown to and unrecognized by the brotherhood. It is a cute Yankee trick, and there's money in it; that's all."
Permit me to say to the Sentinel that though it's Democratic, slave-holding party has tried to deny the negroes every right of manhood; they are not such fools as he supposes. No white man has ever put his foot in our lodge of Free masons at Independence. It is a regularly constituted Lodge of the Ancient York Masons, and is one of a great many others that are firmly established in Missouri. -- ANON.