Yesterday was very warm and business on the levee was dull. No arrivals.
Some "of the fancy" will box each others ears to-night at Long's Hall. Jim King is announced to put on the gloves.
On Wednesday night a runner for the Gilliss House named Joe Codner was run over by the cars at Harlem and received such injuries that he has since died.
At 11 o'clock last night the muttering thunder, and flashes of lightning beckoned another fall of rain.
Yesterday Wilson & Lee, Jewelers on Main street, presented a gold whistle to officer Adams of the police force. A handsome gift to a worthy city guardian.
Marshal Speers is fitting up up a room under the Court House for the confinement of females who fall under the law's displeasure. Another improvement is the giving better ventilation to the different cells of the calaboose. That institution is at present too terribly a hot place in which to place prisoners.
Satsum's Royal Japanese Troupe will perform in this city on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week.
A sick cow laid down and died yesterday morning near the corner of 9th street and Grand avenue. The defunct farine was soon carted off for the use of the soap fat man.
Three of the City Marshal's prisoners were engaged breaking rock yesterday in front of the police quarters. It was hot out there on the stone pile, and the culprits perspired freely on behalf of the city.
Marshal Speers has started a Rogues' Gallery. A few pictures of thieves, confidence men and suspicious character embellish the north wall of the Police Court. One of the photographs, however, is not that of a rogue but "a missing man," J. K. Pardee, who left Chicago on April 27th, to come to this city, and has not been heard of since. It is supposed he met with foul play at some point between Chicago and this place. A liberal reward is offered by his relatives in Chicago, for any definite information concerning him.