The weather was warm, dry and dusty. A good rain would be gratefully received.
The Wm. J. Lewis of the Star Line arrived yesterday morning, with all the freight she could swim with. She departed for St. Louis at 2 p. m. The Glasgow arrived last evening and after loading considerable merchandise, left for Omaha. The Mary McDonald came down from Omaha, taking freight to St. Louis.
The Silver Bow, a fine boat in every respect with gentlemanly officers, will leave the Levee at 10 o'clock to-day, for St. Louis. For freight or passage apply to Hoover Vaughan, West Levee.
Gov. J. M. Harvey, of Kansas, and Mayor Halderman, of Leavenworth, will be guests of Mayor McGee during the session of the Editorial Convention. The News says so.
Mr. A. C. Jones, of this paper, has returned from a successful trip in Kansas in the interest of the JOURNAL. He swapped horses three times while absent, and brought back a "yaller," crop-eared and raw-boned mustang. Jones prides himself on trading horses to advantage! We expect the next time he returns to the city from a pilgrimage south, he will be mounted on a saw-horse, or maybe a hobby horse. He rides, now, more than one "hobby."
The pupils of Prof. Galloway wish to show him, before he leaves for the East, a substantial token of their regard. They have tendered him a benefit ball, which is to be given to-morrow night at Long's Hall, and is to be a nice affair in every respect.
Church's Hotel on Walnut street, has been leased for five years, for the sum of $12,000 to Mr. J. C. Parks, the proprietor of the renowned and magnificent Lindell Hotel, St. Louis, which superb building went down in a disastrous fire. The hotel will be opened to the public about June 1st. It is to be fitted up in very elegant style.