Yesterday was rather warm and very dusty. This is a very breezy section of the country. At Leavenworth, St. Jo and some other places, not far distant, it is still more windy.
Last Sunday was bright and sunny. The night was cool and beautiful -- specially manufactured for successful love making, in which many sentimental young couples seemed engaged.
Mr. Will Baird met a man on the levee, yesterday afternoon, who said he had been robbed of $70, in Harlem, but where, or by whom, he couldn't say. The man was so drunk he could hardly talk, and Baird left him "to pine in grief away," if he wanted to.
We hear that the ball at Long's Hall last night, tendered as a complimentary benefit to Prof. Gallaway, by his pupils, was well attended, and was a very pleasant affair.
Mr. Holmes, president of the company which is to establish a horse railroad along Walnut street, started yesterday on the train eastward bound, to procure the iron necessary to lay the track. This enterprise bids fair to be in successful operation in less than two months. "Look out for the cars when the bell rings or the driver yells."
The bartender of a saloon on Main street near Third, was arrested last night for firing off his revolver in the saloon. A crowd soon gathered at the place. To the questions of Officer Kelso, of the police, the bar-tender said he shot a rat! That rat-killing "episode" will cost him in the Recorder's court this morning.
Yesterday afternoon a little Irish girl came near being killed in McGee's addition near "76 Saloon." she was crossing the street, when a wagon approached and the horse knocked her down, his foot striking her side. A man rushed for the prostrate little one, and snatched her from in front of the wheel, an instant before it reached her, and in all probability saving the girl's life by his promptitude.