The Silver Bow, which arrived early yesterday morning, landed several families of Swedes who intend remaining in the city.
A large party of immigrants passed through our city yesterday en route to Kansas. Some were going to Southern Kansas and some to the Western portion of the state. They were from Iowa and Indiana. Those from the Hoosier State informed us that they passed more than fifty teams loaded with human freight, all destined for Kansas. Roll on your "prairie schooners." The prairies of Missouri and Kansas offer no resistance to your onward march, nor to the wheels of Progress.
The Catholics of this city will give a pic-nic at Cook's Grove to-day for the benefit of Rev. Father Halpin's Church. It will e a pleasant occasion.
Tuesday night Olive Logan gave her famous lecture at St. Joe, to a crowded house, and last night at Atchison. To-night she will deliver her lecture at Pleasant Hill, and to-morrow evening at Fort Scott.
Lawrence has some base ball clubs with "gorgeous" names. Next week "The Right Royal Japanese Club," will play a match game with "The Spotted Bengal Tigers."
At the meeting of the Horse Association at "the Senate" five new names were added to the membership. This makes the members 51. The meeting was a harmonious one and satisfactory in every respect. After some discussion it was decided to have no formal opening of the track till it was completely graded, and thoroughly prepared. The association is composed of many of our energetic, go-ahead citizens who will make it a success.
All who wish to contribute something in the way of eatables to the supper to be given to-night at Long's Hall should do so early this morning.
"Mrs. Dr. Hall" appeared on the square last night in a buggy, and with a number of bottles of "the universal pain scatterers" in a basket by her side. A man was with her, who did the "heft" of the talking to the crowd, though ever and anon the silvery voice of the feminine healer of diseases, warbled the praises of the medicine. It was a curious sight.