R. T. Van Horn has once again resumed the duties as publisher of the Kansas City Daily Journal of Commerce. It is especially desired that all persons indebted to the firm of FOSTER, WILDER, & Co., shall come forward and pay the same promptly, in order that the business may be closed at an early day. All notes and accounts of Foster, Wilder, & Co., will be paid to R. T. Van Horn & Co.
The picnic yesterday afternoon, in Cook's Pasture, was largely attended by members of Father Halpin's congregation, and those of other Catholic churches. It was a very pleasant gathering, and all enjoyed the occasion greatly.
A German, who was making himself obnoxious by indiscriminate threats to passers on Main street, was arrested last night.
At the meeting of the School Board last evening, there were present, Messrs. Sheffield, Karnes, Craig, Tobener and Bainbridge. The committee on the purchase of lots made a report, recommending the purchase of the south half of Block 12 on 13th street, between Hickory and Liberty streets, in West Kansas City, for $2,500, payable in county warrants, at ninety cents to the dollar. The report was received and adopted, and the committee authorized to make the purchase. The committee appointed to procure a room for the meetings of the Board and the office of the Superintendent, reported that a suitable room could be secured in Vaughan's Diamond, at a rent of $20 per month, if rented for one year. The committee was instructed to lease the room mentioned, and to put in it the furniture required. The committee appointed to investigate the condition of the third Ward School reported favorably, stating that there was little just cause of complaint as to lack of discipline in the school.
The Clara, one of the staunchest boats on the Missouri river, was at our wharf a few days ago, on her way to St. Louis. A large lot of household goods and merchandise was loaded at this place for Lexington, and but little freight for St. Louis. By running against a snag the boat received such injuries that she soon sank. She was drawing perhaps five feet of water, having a valuable cargo in, when near the place known as Owsley's,, one hundred and five miles by river to St. Louis, she encountered a snag, which the government boats had failed to remove, and a large hole being made in her hull. The muddy water of the Missouri poured into her hold among the freight, and she straightway went down in nine feet of water. The position she settled in was such -- lying across the current -- that it was expected that the sand beneath her would wash out, and thus she would likely to break in two and go to pieces speedily involving her cargo, already badly damaged, in total destruction. The Henry S. Turner being so close behind the Clara at the time of the accident, is expected at the wharf in St. Louis early this morning with the crew and passengers from the Clara. She was valued at $45,000 or more, and insured for $30,000.