R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Wednesday, June 1, 1870.

     Yesterday was a beautiful day, the rain having laid the dust and cooled the atmosphere.  Business on the levee was moderately active.

     The Wm. J. Lewis, "Star," was the only boat arrived yesterday with a good freight for several local firms.  She also had on board railroad iron which she discharged at Wyandotte.  She returns to St. Louis this morning..  The river is again rising.

     There was a good attendance both at the afternoon and evening performances of Robinson's Circus.  The bare back riding of the lithe and graceful champion, James Robinson, drew thunders of applause.  The act in which he and his beautiful boy Clarence appeared, was one of rare interest, and was loudly applauded.  We can commend to our brethren of the Press, the above circus as one of the best traveling.  Robinson spreads his canvas this morning in Olathe, and hence along the line of the Fort Scott road.

     Several cases were tried by the Recorder yesterday.  Here follloweth a mellifluous statement as to the result:
     Each culprit in heart rending tones
        Proffered a soft excuse;
     And four were fined, one freed and one
        Sent to the calaboose.

     Leavenworth presents a grave yard look.  Its awful still and solemn there.  So far as business life and stir is concerned Leavenworth might better be called "Leaven-worthless."

     The Leavenworth papers make frequent dreary attempts at jokes about the hills and hollows of Kansas City.  Leavenworth is on such "a dead level," and is so flattened out that it makes her sick to see this city moving steadily on to power, up hill and down, never stopping.

     Next Saturday our citizens will vote on the question of building a Water Works.  It is a needed improvement, and should be made without delay.  Let us have whate'er works for the good of the city.

     An elderly gentleman fell down yesterday on one of the business streets of Leavenworth.  He would certainly have been hurt severely, had not the grass been so thick.