Yesterday afternoon and last night we were visited with copious showers which, while it did an inestimable amount of good to vegetation and watered dry cisterns, was a damper on out-door business.
The Kate Kinney came down from Omaha Sunday evening heavily laden with produce for St. Louis. The Post Boy arrived Sunday evening with a heavy trip of freight and merchandise for this city, and iron for Wyandotte. She departed for St. Louis at 7 o'clock yesterday morning with a very fair freight. The Mary McDonald and the Cornilia, both of the "O" line, both passed up yesterday. The river at this point is slowly declining.
There is to be an old-fashioned 4th of July barbacue and celebration at Canton, Mo. Better omit the barbacue. It is a word derived from the same root as "barbarous, barbarism," etc. Kansas City tried a barbacue once, and will never repeat the experiment.
The Leavenworth Times boasts that the village is very quiet on the Sabbath. Yes, it is one of the quietest places in the West, on the Sabbath -- and every other day in the week.
Geezy, Mason & Co., are sinking a well on Main street, south of Thirteenth street preparatory to establishing a bakery at that locality. If they succeed in getting water they intend to erect a bakery that will be large enough, and good enough to supply the wants in that line of the entire city, and the country for miles around. Success to them.
There was no circus exhibition given last evening, the night being too rainy and inclement. If to-day is fine the tent will be crowded at each performance.
The important question now awaiting immediate decision at the hands of our citizens is that concerning the erection of a Water Works. We are pleased to note that the gentlemen of the City Council appreciate its importance, and that they wisely called a public meeting of the citizens to consider the matter before the vote at the polls is taken. The call fixes the time of meeting on Thursday night of this week at 8 o'clock p.m., at the Court House.