Yesterday was cloudy and rained in the afternoon and night. The Levee presented a very unbusiness-like appearance.
The "Star" steamer, Wm. J. Lewis, arrived last evening with a good freight and some passengers. She leaves this morning for St. Louis. The river at this point is again on the rise; it has risen twelve inches since yesterday morning. News from the head river several days ago said the water was booming up there, and this is probably a forerunner of it.
OLIVE LOGAN'S LECTURE. -- Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather of last evening, here assembled at Frank's Hall a large and intelligent audience, to hear the famous lecture entitled "Girls." The lady gave an entertaining lecture, well spiced with laughable anecdotes, told in effective style. She sketched the fashionable, the beautiful, the "womanly," the Yankee, the Western, the ballet girls -- her gallery of portraits eliciting close attention and frequent applause. The snob, the dandy, the pompous ignoramus of the masculine gender were then portrayed in dashing style. She sent her auditors home well pleased, and all will be glad to again give a welcome greeting to the laughing Olive.
The rain of last night will probably cause a postponement of the Union Picnic planned for to-day.
Meeting of the Board of Education to-night at Vaughan's Diamond building.
Yesterday morning at about two o'clock the citizens of Wyandotte were startled by the shrill cry of "Fire!" Many hurried to the scene of the conflagration and found the car shops of the Kansas Pacific Railroad Company wrapped in flames. The fire as witnessed by many in this city was a sight to be not soon forgotten. From the burning buildings rose heavy clouds of smoke as red as fire. Over and upward rolled the crimson masses of clouds -- a sight to enchain the attention of every beholder. The car shops were completely destroyed together with two fine coaches, one of them a new one of the first-class passenger cars which was in the shop for repairs. Several cars were lost. 50,000 feet of walnut and oak lumber, for finishing cars in the yard was destroyed. Nothing was saved from the office -- all the patterns, plans, books and papers of the company were destroyed, together with valuable private papers of the foreman, Mr. Stahl. The building was insured in the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance company, and there was insurance on the cars to about one-third of their real value. The heaviest loss, however, comes upon the mechanics who lost their tools. Everything was done that could be done to save property, the citizens working nobly with the workmen.