The river is falling slowly, and pilots report over five feet to St. Louis. There was no business on the levee. The Post Boy arrived last night, and will return to St. Louis this morning. The Silver Bow, from Omaha, is due down this afternoon.
Mr. W. T. Little, the painter of Sixth street, was the lucky gentleman who drew at the Court House, last night, the $1,600 of the Mutual House Building Association funds.
FIRE YESTERDAY. -- Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'clock flames were seen issuing from the building in West Kansas City near the railroad depot occupied by the Kansas City Elastic Stone Roofing and Felting Company. .Outsiders gave the alarm, and so rapid was the progress of the flames that the men inside had no time to save anything except their articles of clothing. Efforts were made to bring out from the building some portion of the stock and machinery, but the effort proved almost entirely a failure, and in a short time the fire had completed its work of destruction. The fire is said to have occurred from a defective flue, and from insufficient brick work around the smoke stack. The men engaged in the building were not aware that it was burning until the alarm was given by persons outside. The loss is estimated at about $8,000, and there was not a cent's insurance on the building or machinery.
A large and enthusiastic concourse of our German fellow-citizens met last night at Turner Hall at an early hour and general attention was attracted to the place of meeting by music from Volrath's Brass Band and the discharge of pyrotechnics. The hall was decorated with the flags of the United States, the North German Confederation and the flag of the Turners. In concert with the band the audience sung the national air, "What is the German's Fatherland," which was received with great enthusiasm. After a resolution was read by the Chairman, Charles Thomas, Col. Van Horn was called upon for a speech, to which he obliged. Other speeches were made, more music and cheers, and the assemblage of the mass meeting was adjourned.
Three brand new babies were introduced into a family "down town" last week in Independence; the father is doing remarkably well under the circumstances.
Hog Nuisance. -- Mr. Editor: Now that the City Fathers are after the dogs, would it not be well to also look after the hogs? If the dog catchers take away our dogs, what are we to do to keep ourselves from being overrun with these vile animals which are now permitted to run at large through our streets, trespassing into our yards and gardens, and wallowing around in the numerous mud holes which the recent rains have left? Can you not help us get rid of this nuisance, and have our City Fathers keep these filthy flea-breeding animals out of our public streets? Signed, STICKS.