The river is stationary. Business on the levee yesterday was livelier than usual. The Post Boy of the Star Line came up on Sunday and returned in the afternoon to St. Louis. The Cornelia of the "O" line with a good trip passed up in the afternoon yesterday. She discharged a considerable quantity of freight and a number of passengers here.
A man named Frank Larkin swam the Missouri Sunday night, on a wager of ten dollars.
A gentleman undertook to drive a skittish horse past a locomotive in the Bottom yesterday. Just as he was about to succeed the engineer touched the scream-whistle. The new buggy will cost about $400.
Mr. De Luce, who is a thorough chemist, and who has a sample room for his many first class decoctions in the rear of Gaston's saloon at the corner of Fourth and Main streets, ahs sent us a bottle of his cherry brandy which is a delightful beverage, being not only smooth and pleasant to the taste, but as we learn from the testimony of a number of physicians, an excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints.
There will be a match game of base ball played this afternoon on the Hectors' grounds at 3 o'clock, between the Victors of Wyandotte, and the newly organized club of this city, that are preparing to play the famous Red Stocking nine of Cincinnati, about the middle of August, known as the Kansas City Base Ball Club, and composed of gentlemen selected from the city.
Yesterday afternoon an accident occurred at the saw mill of Messrs. Fisher & Brother, West Kansas City, which resulted in the the deplorable death of Mr. J. R. Fisher. He was assisting the conveyance of a log to the saw and when it was on the ways being hauled up, he got on the underside to "chock" it, when the hold of those above gave way and the log rolled over hi, killing him almost instantly.
Mr. Isaac N. Hicks of this paper leaves on this morning's train northward, for a visit of three or four weeks duration to relatives at Rockport, Illinois. We trust his respite from the reportorial tread mill will prove as pleasant and enjoyable as he anticipates.